Wednesday 30 April 2014

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products (1)

In order to have done my course work, I had to make sure it was to look as authentic as possible. It involved reasearch in terms of how realistic my film poster, magazine cover and teaser trailer looked. My task was completed if people thought that this looked real. For my genre I decided to choose teenage comedy.

In order to have made this possible however, I had to begin first by researching the difference between theatrical trailers and teaser trailers. I noticed in my resarch the fundamental differences not only that teaser trailers were much breifer and shorter than theatrical trailers but also what kind of film they are, not just with genre but also whether they are big budget or not. The comparisons can be found in research. 

Tuesday 29 April 2014

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

The idea of my course work is to get the teaser trailer, magazine cover and film poster all related to each other. By relation I refer to the presentation of the same film. Regardless to genre and before even getting down to the idea of Jimmy USA, the principal was to make sure that they were all related to the film I would be doing for my course work.

Here is an example of a mainstream film teaser trailer, magzazine cover and film poster:

This is my final Film Poster Magazine and Teaser Trailer 

What was so effective about my main product was how (as I said before) was all related into one cause. Jimmy USA was publicized with the use of having Oscar Brody (fictional actor name) who played Jimmy USA in the front cover of all my publications.

I associated Oscar Brody with huge relations towards America. For instance as you in the teaser trailer, Oscar is a mad patriotic American as you can see on his T-shirt:

I ordered this T-shirt from Amazon because I thought that this shirt would help epitomize the personality of Jimmy USA, best associating himself with American pride by using this Shirt.

With the poster, I had also associated the Film Poster with an American flag.

Monday 28 April 2014

Evaluation on Magazine research

As mentioned before in my research, there is a significant difference between MAINSTREAM magazines and INDEPENDENT magazines. Mainstream magazines would always tend to have a central dominant image of an actor that starred in the film. Independent magazines on the other hand however would tend to have a director or crew member on their magazine cover which are usually "unheard".

I chose to have a mainstream magazine, not only because I chose my teaser traielr to be presented as mainstream but also because I felt that it would show an easy connection with a mainstream magazine of a main character of my teaser trailer. 

But regardless to any type of magazine, whether it was independedt or mainstream, comedy or horror, I had to have taken into account the conventions of a magazine in their layout and design. The most essential ones were:

  • Masthead 
  • Date
  • Issue Number 
  • Banners 
  • Bar Code 
  • Price
Each of these conventions would develop my media product as a real media product. Here are some screenshots of these conventions from my magazine:


I noticed in my research that in most magazines, these conventions would tend to appear together. I also happened to have noticed that half of the slogan tends to be covered up by the dominant central image. In fi


Sunday 27 April 2014

Evaluation on Media Technologies:

I used a tripod with the camera in order to get the panning, tilting and tracking to occur. Here in this photo, I am preparing for the scene when Jimmy USA walks into college. Due to the rain I had to use an umbrella.  


I used the software Avid as my movie making tool to create my teaser trailer

This was used to help me store my files

The tool I used where I could gather all my shots I had filmed and the shots I could select when making my film

This was so I could construct my effects with the footage together

 With the use of photoshop, I was able to create my poster by having this special crop out tool. Notice that as you click on the screen, there is a hightlight around the character. That was how I croped him out.
And now he is cropped out ready to be used for the title.

These lines helped center out my background

(2)........... Teaser Conventions and Genres

To essentially make my teaser convention look authentic and realistic I had to go through a list of
conventions such as:


Originally I came up with other potential fonts:

BILLING (steel tongs)

However in order to have made sure my media product looked authentic and realistic I turned the billings and credit to the same font the film title. I noticed in my research that credits and billing in teaser trailers tend to have the same font as the film title.

Company Logos 

Monday 21 April 2014

Evaluation- Audience Feedback

After I had completed all three of course work media projects I came up with a list of questions concerning my course works.


  1. Do the conventions of my magazine make it look authentic? 
  2. Should I have my central dominant image in character or out of character?
  3. Does my magazine relate well to the teaser trailer and poster?
  4. Should I have a colour scheme? 
The feed back I got from the audience was that I should have my character as Oscar Brody rather than Jimmy USA. Indeed they were right. Most of my researched magazines tend to have characters portayed as the actor. Also the use of colour scheme helped my magazine stand out more with the use of different colour banners. Also the conventions of my magazine did indeed help my magazine look authentic EG Barcode and banner use. 


  1. Do the conventions of my teaser trailer make the authenticity stand out?
  2. Did the main character show a lot of relevance to America?
  3. Did my teaser trailer show significant relevance to my poster and magazine 
  4. Did the use of crops help my teaser trailer in terms of genre? 
The feedback I got from the audience was that regardless to how good the actor's accent was, in general he has been portrayed well as an American Stereotype. In particular, it was very helpful to have that shirt with the American flag on it. It helped portray the characteristics of his American being. 


  1. Do the conventions of the poster make it look like a mainstream film? 
  2. Was the background in particular eye catchy? 
  3. Did I have sufficient amount of conventions to make my poster look authentic 
  4. Did my poster look relevant and significant in comparison to my teaser trailer and magazine? 

The answers I usually got were that the conventions were laid out well to make it look like as if it were a real poster. Furthermore it was a good idea to use the background as an American flag and make it standout.